Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Love is patient....

My name is Katie. I am twenty-one years of age and have been single for 21 years.
My parents always told my sisters and I that we could date when we turned 16! However, when I actually turned 16 I started looking around and saw that the “pickins” were slim. I’m not in any way trying to put myself down but let’s be real I didn’t have the attention of any guys nor would I’ve been in their top choices! I didn’t mind for the most part- I was busy with school and work! I was content with who I was but every once in a while Satan would sneak in to cause doubts.
I almost dated three guys in my lifetime (even as I type that I cringe- I am such an idiot)! I would like to repeat ALMOST! I praise the Lord He placed people in my life and convictions like you wouldn’t believe that intervened. Now, the three gentlemen weren’t horrible people. They were actually very sweet but there was one thing that was always abundantly clear- they didn’t have a relationship with Christ. I knew that but still I found myself ignoring that. Why? Well besides the obvious reason (Im an idiot) I truly believe it’s just because I wanted something my friends had been experiencing for years- someone who showed interest in them and wanted to spend time with them.
I have a list of qualifications I have for a husband that I made in Sunday school years ago! A lot of those “qualifications” on that list are ridiculous and silly! The first three are of the utmost importance to me!
1. Must have a nurturing and growing relationship with Christ.
2. Must be a spiritual leader in our relationship.
3. Although I’m not expecting perfection (past, present or future)- he must live a life that is pleasing and honoring to God.
Those guys in High school didn’t even make it past number one!
As we all know but sometimes choose to forget – God’s timing is perfect. No, I am not about to go into a rant about how God created a perfect guy for me and someday I’ll meet him and blah blah blah! Do I pray for my future husband? Daily! Do I pray that God has me someone picked out? Sure! I just don’t think that should be my focus or anyone’s for that matter! I am single maybe you are too! ROCK IT!! GET EXCITED!! This is an opportunity for you to get wrapped up in God. Spend your time getting lost in Him- it will make time go by a lot quicker (hehe). We have been given a blessing (until we get the blessing of a significant other) don’t waste it- ROCK IT!!

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